Thursday, 27 February 2020

My Pepeha!

Tena koutou

Ko Mt Wellington toku maunga
Ko Tamaki toku awa
No Glen Innes ahau
Ko Glenbrae toku
Ko MD Shafi toku papa
Ko Lalah toku mama
Ko Shafi whanau
Ko Habibah toku ingoa

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou, katoa

Image result for mount wellington nz

Water Safety

Do you know how to be safe in water?  Ask  parents how far you go, Same water could be deep. Wear a life jacket in the ocean or a boat, might flip and the life jacket would make you float.Don't run around the pool you because the floor might be wet or if run you might hit yourself. Learn to float on your back so you can breathe. Stay close to an adult or swim with someone like your friend or someone you know. Check how deep it is. If it is raining, don't swim so you don’t get hit by big waves and the storm might hurt you and the water might make you go under Remember to be safe in the water.

Image result for water safety